Projekt Socrates Comenius 2007



Comenius 1- school partnership

 1. Basic information about the project

Our school became a member of this project in September 2005. We started to cooperate with our new partners from Spain /main coordinator/, Slovakia and Slovenia. The comon topic title is:
"The social and ecological problems in Europe".


2. Our activities in 2005-2006

During the first year of the project works we focused our interest mostly on the society and economy of the partners’ countries

October 2005 - our students arranged the students’ lists placed at websites of each partner school – it serves for better communication with partners

November - December 2005: economy - we analysed different aspects mainly from social, political and economical life in our country and in the South Bohemian region, too

November 2005: climate - we started to cooperate with the regional Meteorological Institute, the main reason of this activity was to get the necessary data of the regional climate changes, all the following year we were observing them until the next November 2006 and we interpreted them later

December 2005- the CD was created containing economical and social facts obtained by our students with the conclusion as the final product of these project works

January-February 2006: ecology - at that time a booklet was made with the ecological title ´The natural reserves in Southern Bohemia - The Šumava National Park’, we tried to describe this place and analyse the levels of its pollution, then we analysed the consequences of it and students came up with the ideas how we could possibly solve these problems

March 2006: economy - our students were analysing some basic stuff prices together with the Slovak partners, as the final product the common chart full of interesting data was created and our Spanish partners will continue with this topic next year, then we´ll make a conclusion together


3. Project meetings 2005-2006

February 2006 - Czech teachers and six students visited the school in Nové Zámky,Slovakia

February 2006 - in the second half of the same month Spanish students and their teachers came for a visit to České Budějovice

May 2006 - all project coordinators and their colleagues took part in multilateral meeting in Ljubljana, Slovenia


4. Our activities in 2006-2007

The second year of our common project works was directed more to the ecological problems rather than economy, especially to the air pollution

September 2006 - September, 22nd was proclaimed ‘The European day Without Cars’, so we decided to observe and analyse the traffic frequency at Husova Street in České Budějovice for two days, (this street is known as a very busy road), then the CD with statistics, graphs and our students’ conclusion was created

November 2006 - after the whole year of analysing temperatures and humidity in our region and getting last data from the Meteorological Institute in České Budějovice we analysed the local weather changes, then we created CD and a booklet concerning the global warming, its local sources and consequences

 January 2007 - ‘How green are you’ – it’s the title of the environmental questionnaire  in which we directed attention to our students’ environmental feeling and behaviour, the final products were the CD and another booklet full of interesting facts and pictures

 March 2007- we were planting the common project tree in České Budějovice near our school together with our Slovenian partners


5. Project meetings 2006-2007

March 2007 - Slovenian partners visited our school and town,we planted the project tree called ‘Vesna’ (‘Jaro’ in Czech), this activity became the most successful one in the whole meeting programme, that way we wanted to support the proclamation of the United Nations called ‘Billion tree campaign’, then we made the notes about this activity at the

April 2007 - on April, 5th the acticle was printed about our school project activities in the local newspaper Českobudějovický deník

April 2007 - in the second half of this month Czech students and teachers went for the project meeting to Ljubljana, Slovenia

May 2007 - the final coordinators’ meeting took place in České Budějovice, the most important part of it was the meeting with the local authorities in the town hall especially with the mayor deputy chairman Mr. Vodička, then we were analysing our common works and final products, we  planned the next year project activities there, too


6. Project evaluation

Comenius project gave our school, teachers and especially our students a great possibility to enrich the traditional forms of teaching and studying the English language. Our main topic concerns the social, economical and ecological points of the present life in Europe and especially in our region.So, all these spheres are very closely connected with our school and its specialization. This way we have used many subjects, including computers, economy, ecology, tourism and English language. The project works evaluated on the teachers’ meetings used the experience of all participating teachers. What is more - the works were evaluated each fifteen days in closed contacts with other participating schools through coordinators (via e-mails). The project works were partly realized in the lessons or out of the school timetable. The students have a great motivation in the project participation because the main topics were very close to them, educational and modern ones, too.All final products were finished with a deep enthusiasm and according to the project calendar of activities.We hope that more and more students of this school will be interested in our project works and topics next year  that will be the last one in this international project.


7. Project photogalery